Updates for past 2 days

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I hadn't been updating my blog for 2 days. Actually, I like to update my blog yesterday but I was home late and my brother gave me a surprise again. I'm trying to recall the things happened for the past 2 days and blog briefly.

On 6th January 2011, I kept sneezing and having blocked nose again for the entire day after I woke up. I don't know why this sympton happened to me again. Is it because I was having junk food the day before?

On 7th January 2011, My cold is getting better, at least I had stopped sneezing and having blocked nose. I took a taxi today and it's a coincidence that the taxi driver actually remembered my last destination which I took his taxi earlier, that was about 2 weeks ago. I don't even have such a good memory.

I guess I might have time to blog more next week, as I might get lonely again. However, I have my blog to accompany me.


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