Events going on at Suntec City

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Recently, from last Friday to Sunday, I was heading for Suntec City because the annual I.T show is back. Besides the I.T show, the Body Shop Warehouse Sale was held in Suntec City too. I remembered from my blog post, I went for the I.T show last year too. However this year, I was not too keen in the I.T show, because of the crowds. I was more interested in the Body Shop Warehouse Sale instead.

I found that there were lots of stuffs to buy this time at the Body Shop Warehouse Sale, and the staffs will try to bring out some offer products too at anytime of the day.

Bought quite alot of stuffs at the warehouse sale on last Friday, mostly on pouches. I think I spent most of the time at the warehouse sale rather than the I.T show. But I went to take a peek at I.T show on Sunday, and just bought a screen protector this time.

Whenever there is an I.T show, it always attracts crowds. You'll get a hard time finding seats at eateries, long queues at taxi stands and passengers waiting for buses. Also, people pushing through the crowds and flyers all over the ground are very common in this kind of big event too.


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