An Unlucky Monday

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Suddenly at this hour, I was writing 3 posts at once today.

Yesterday was a lousy Monday blues. Firstly, I had only 3 hours of sleep, got up early and returned home very late. I told myself, it's fine with just 3 hours of sleep, at least I got some rest. Secondly, when I took my brunch with my mum, I'm surprised to know that a mixed vegetables meal costs eight dollars for a small plate of braised peanuts, steamed egg, stir-fry chicken and two plates of rice at a neigbourhood estate. I guess ordering mixed vegetables rice can get 'kanna chop carrot head' easily. Just my 2 cents. I understand that they need to earn money to maintain a business but a huge raise is too much, especially in HDB areas.

It was definitely a tiring and unlucky Monday.


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