Things that I don't understand

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It had been almost 3 months since I had last blogged. Within these few months, many things happened, and it turned out to be so stressful, mentally and physically. Firstly, my computer let me down, so I was unable to blog for the last months. Anyway, it was a small problem, for not being to able to use the computer.

The most crucial matter that made me feel stressed and depressing has to do with my brother. I couldn't believe that my brother actually lied to me and our parents. Maybe, he has his own problems that made him wanna lie to us, or perhaps, I had neglected him. Actually, I just get to know the truth recently, but the lies had already been built up for years. After I get to know the truth, I felt extremely upset, including our parents. We are his close ones and yet he chooses not to let us know anything.

We trusted him so much in the past, because we thought that he is a sensible boy who knows how to take care of himself. Well, for now, I need to rethink about it. I don't understand the reason for his change, especially after getting into the workforce.


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